Personal interest is one of the main factors that influence the choice of career of a fresh undergraduate. According to Gacohi (2017), the majority of her respondents indicated that choosing their most preferred field of study was largely influenced by their interest in a certain vocation. A person is more likely to feel passionate about something when they are really interested in it. This passion fuels motivation and a willingness to put up the time and effort necessary to acquire knowledge and proficiency in that field.
In a study conducted in Pakistan (2018) by A. A. Humayon, Raza, Aamir Khan, and Ansari, they stated that People should take their personal interests into account when making career decisions because: 1) They would perform better in the field that interests them; 2) People who choose careers that match their personal interests are typically successful; and 3) People could experience greater fulfillment and happiness while working in the field of interest by. Personal interest truly takes the spotlight, and they would probably choose jobs that are interesting to them more. The findings of Meddour, Abdo, Majid, Auf, and Aman (2016) support the idea that a student's personal interests have a significant impact on the type of profession they choose to enter since they will work extremely hard to pursue their career goals.
An investigation on personal factors influencing second year business students' job decisions was done in Sri Lanka (Anojan & Nimalathasan, 2013). The survey method was utilized to gather the data, and the sample size was 103 students. In contrast to their family-related, profession, market-oriented, and university-related characteristics, the data showed that personal factors have the biggest influence. Furthermore, research conducted in Tanzania by Amani (2016), they found that a higher proportion of respondents in the engineering area were primarily affected by personal interest. A career that is in line with one's passions can increase job happiness. Your work feels less like work and more like a meaningful endeavor when you appreciate the duties and responsibilities that come with the position. People select job situations that best suit their personalities and interests, according to Holland's theory of "Career Typology (1966).
In their study, Mberia and Midigo (2018) found that student' values, interests, and talents were significant factors that influenced career choices. The choice of career was significantly influenced by personal interests, according to Omari (2014). According to Edward and Quinter's (2012) research, a person's tendencies towards an area of interest or subject, preference for a particular work, and connection between his personality and chosen professions are major factors that influence career path.
In their research piece, Ahmed (2014) and AlMiskry, Bakar, and Mohamed (2009) placed a high value on students' interest in choosing their careers. They pointed out that a student's interest in a career is based on their likes and dislikes. Furthermore, Owino and Odundo (2016) found that the most important element in choosing history as a career was personal interest. They specifically stated that personal factors, such as interest in a certain field of work, were important considerations when choosing a career.
In a comparative study conducted by Bikse et al. (2018), the findings revealed that over 50% of Latvian students identified personal interests as significant factors influencing their career decisions and that they believed that knowing one's own interests was the most crucial step before choosing a career. A person's personal interests are considered to be a major motivator, source of job pleasure, and ultimate fulfillment for someone pursuing a certain vocation (Selvanathan, Ali, Mariadas, Perumal, & Tan, 2016). Furthermore they stated that a person is more motivated to pursue a certain job route and make a professional decision along that road as their level of personal interest in that career path rises
According to Liaw, Wu, Lopez, Chow, Lim, Holroyd Tan, and Wang (2017), personal interest is the students' unique interest in the field of study they have selected. Canaga and Sempele (2019) found that the majority of their respondents pursued hospitality education as a consequence of their own choice in their examination of the factors driving students to do so. They added that some intrinsic motivators including individual interest, goals, ability, values, and competence were what motivated their responders.
In the South African motor retail industry, personal interest was the highest-rated variable and the primary factor influencing career decisions, according to Adams (2014). In their study, Okiror and Otabong (2015) found that the respondents' personal interest in the topic caused them to choose agriculture. For students studying in computer-related topics in South Africa, Alexander et al. (2010) discovered that interests have been identified as a strong influence on job choice and that these interests play an important part in goal-setting.
According to a 2019 study by Zhang, Tan, Zhang, and Zhang at a Chinese institution, a student's personal interests have a favorable influence on their decision to pursue a particular vocation
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